Friday, September 3, 2010

See You in September

Why I love the ninth month of the year:
  • I feel a stronger sense of renewal in September than I do in January.
  • My biorhythm is in sync with the "school-year" cycle.
  • I love new pencils, pens, paper, tablets, folders, organizers, scissors, binders ...
  • EVERY student starts with an A!
  • I'm ready for routine.
  • Crisp air and colorful leaves are just around the corner.
  • I can pull out my sweaters - my favorite items of clothing.
  • I welcome the season of COMFORT foods: soups, chilli, roast and potatoes.
  • Great SEPTEMBER songs: My top 3 - "September" by Earth, Wind, & Fire; "See You in September" by The Temptations; and "September Morn" by Neil Diamond.
Why do YOU like September?
Do you remember, 21st night of September?
Love was changing the mind of the pretenders
While chasing clouds away. ~ Earth, Wind, & Fire
 Welcome Back, Friends!!!


Cat said...

Enjoy the rush of renewal for now, you'll need it later.
Just popped up a new post.
Gosh you have the longest word verification in town, must be all that reading ;-)

link2literacy said...

Thanks, Cat. You are right. We kinda lose momentum by December. But since I work with teachers most of the time, I hope to stay renewed so I can pump them up. They need and deserve SO MUCH SUPPORT!

Take care, Renae